What is the cost to buy into Farmville Gardens and own a lot?

To get pricing, we will need to get to know one another first.  We want to know what you bring to the table in the way of the Eight Forms of Capital

Please subscribe to our newsletter and familiarize yourself with our project.  When you’re ready to have a conversation, please fill out this questionnaire, then we’ll schedule a call with you.

How much will the homes cost?

We are not contractors. You will be expected to build your home within our style guidelines.  Our barn and first home will be built with the help and advice of Leavitt Construction, using sub-contractors and doing as much of it ourselves as we can.  We will share our experiences and contacts with you.  Your final cost to build depends on your needs, and the shared infrastructure development, however budgeting up to $200/square foot is a reasonable expectation.

Why was this location chosen?

Our location was selected for the proximity to the larger Farmville community of relatives in Pierce City. Learn more about Farmville by reading “Our Story”.

Why should I get involved so early in the development now?

The advantage of early engagement with Farmville Gardens will give you the opportunity to impact the growth and development of a permaculture focused community. 

What is meant by “Perma-pocket Neighborhood”?

We combined the words Permaculture and Pocket Neighborhood.  Permaculture refers to a multi-disciplinary study of land, water, energy, people, plants and animals for starters.  It is working with nature on its terms instead of against it. A pocket neighborhood as defined by Architect Ross Chapin is a group of 7 to 12 homes around a common green space with a common house.

Are children welcome?

Yes, children are cherished and always welcome. We seek to have a multigenerational community. 

What is the anticipated cost of living?
  1. Expenses may include:
    1. Electricity
    2. Propane
    3. Internet Access
    4. Monthly maintenance fee to accrue for repairs and replacement and shared costs such as trash collection, property taxes.
    5. Mortgage Payment
What financial benefits come from owning a home at Farmville Gardens?
  1. Sharing the yields of cooperating in Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) that provides fresh produce to local residents.
  2. Access to use and enjoy the whole property without having to buy the whole property
  3. Access to shared equipment, tools, workshop, gardens
  4. Shared landcare and animal care reduces workload on individuals
  5. Shared meals and preparation frees up time
  6. Growing and preserving food reduces food costs
Do I own my own home and the ground it’s on?

Each homeowner will own their private lot and home. The entire property will be open to use and enjoyment, subject to community decisions.  

What are the home design guidelines?

Aesthetically attractive and fits in.  Details are not finalized yet.

How are prospective homeowners approved to join?

After conversations with us, qualifying, and by our invitation.

Will I have privacy?

Yes.  We designed with the idea of layers of privacy, allowing a place of quiet privacy on individual lots, as well as certain destinations on the land that also support solitude for prayer and meditation.

Will there be a common house with a kitchen and shared dining?

Yes, eventually a common house is planned.  We anticipate this being built after we have more homeowners involved.  Until then, we will share meals in our homes.  Doing this is part of the cement that holds relationships together, promotes goodwill, conviviality and lifts the quality of life for all.

Will the homes be energy efficient?

Individual homeowners will ultimately decide how energy efficient their homes are. We encourage passive home design principles for the homes in order to establish a low ongoing carbon footprint and costs.

How many floors will the homes be?

Homes may have a basement, a main floor, and optionally a second story, but not more than that.

What are the sources of energy for the homes and common areas?
  1. Propane  (natural gas is not currently available)
  2. Efficient Wood Stoves
  3. Grid Electric
  4. Solar Electric
Are guests welcomed to the common areas and common house?

Yes, guests are welcome, and are the responsibility of the resident who invited them.

Will there be a community leadership group, such as a board of directors?

Yes, made up of the adult resident owners and one vote per home on items requiring voting.

How is wastewater handled?


Do I have to participate in community meals?

There is an expectation to participate in preparing and sharing some meals, the frequency to be decided by residents.  If participating in community meals doesn’t excite you, we may not be the right fit.

Can I get high speed internet there?

Yes. Wisper or Starlink.

Will there be a shared barn and workshop?

Yes, and we anticipate this will be constructed by April of 2024. It will house tools, storage, supplies to be kept dry, and support gardening.

Can I visit the property to see it for myself?

Coming soon. We are building a studio apartment into our barn that will eventually be available for short term visits.

Are pets welcome?  What restrictions are there for animals and pets?

In short, yes. We love animal friends, and we will need all the resident members to collaborate and consult to determine what restrictions and regulations our community needs to care for happy pets.

Can I operate my business out of the home there?

Probably. We support entrepreneurship, and we will need the consultation and collaboration with all of our resident members to determine the limits of what kinds of businesses are encouraged.

What will the common space be like?

The purpose of the common space is to allow for social engagement, appreciation for beauty, and productive gardening. The exact configuration on how to achieve this vision will be determined by the collaboration and consultation of the resident members.

How will rules be made, enforced, and how will conflicts be resolved?

If you are a resident member, you will be involved in the process of developing our conflict resolution methodology.

Will there be adequate storage available?

Our goal is to build storage into the infrastructure, however we don’t know what is adequate for you. Our member residents will be involved in the design process with our architect, and will need your input regarding your storage needs.

How are trash and recycling handled?

Our goal is to eliminate waste as much as possible, and to use organic waste for composting, and to recycle and upcycle in our workshop, and we will need your help as a resident member to help us determine exactly how we do this.

Will I be able to leave on trips for an extended time?

Possibly, it depends on the consensus of the resident members regarding responsibilities on the shared homestead. 

What responsibilities will I have in the community?

It depends on how you think you can best contribute to the community with your time, talent or treasure. We plan to have everyone engaged in community improvement, and it’s up to you to determine how you will best contribute.

How much work is required during the development stage?

We don’t know yet. Right now we are focused on finding people that love our vision and want to join. The amount of work needed to develop this project is whatever it takes. If you’re committed to the vision of our lifestyle you’re not worried about the amount of work it will take, because it’s worth all of it. If you’re concerned about how much work it will take, you may not be a good fit for our community. There is limited availability in this community, so we’re seeking the best fit possible.

What role does art play in the conversation about beauty in the community?

We feel strongly that art is an essential part of beautification, enjoyment, and inspiration in the community.  Conversations about installing sculptures along a meandering walking path in the forest have been discussed at length.  Creating guidelines for this idea can be an enjoyable exercise for stakeholders.

How much work is required after moving in?

If you love this vision, any time you spend in the community won’t feel like work. So, if it feels like work to grow food and make friends, this isn’t for you.

What is the process if I want to sell my home someday?

We are evaluating adopting community policies that ensure smooth transitions if and when properties exchange hands, which might include the community having the first right of refusal, or other rules to ensure the operational and cultural integrity of Farmville Gardens.

Can I rent my place someday if I need to move?

That is to be determined by the consensus of the resident members.